Residential Building Industry’s Leadership in Climate Change
Built Green Canada shines a light on builders’ sustainable practices
March 5 – 7 saw the City of Edmonton host the inaugural Cities and Climate Change Science Conference at the Shaw Conference Centre. The conference was co-sponsored by the Cities Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), part of the United Nations Environment Programme (UN Environment) and the World Meteorological Organization (WMO). This first-of-its-kind conference welcomed municipal representatives, scientists and academics from around the world to share the latest scientific research on climate change, and inspire global and regional action within cities to address this complex issue.
The Cities and Climate Change Science Conference was augmented by a Global Mayors Summit. Hosted by Mayor Don Iveson and the Global Covenant of Mayors, the summit provided the opportunity for mayors from around the world to discuss the critical next steps for creating integrated city climate strategies: mayors exchanged ideas, identified knowledge and policy gaps, and come together around the courageous leadership needed to address climate change.
Complementing this, the City of Edmonton also hosted a Change for Climate Solutions Showcase during the conference where approved companies were able to showcase their climate-resilient practices, programs, and products aimed at assisting municipalities, conference delegates, and the public.
Built Green Canada was invited to participate in this showcase and was joined by BUILT GREEN® builder, De Waal Developments Ltd. De Waal Developments Ltd. is a small volume, award winning home builder that focuses on innovative design and construction of high performance energy efficient homes. They’re an officially “qualified Net Zero Energy Home Builder” and pride themselves on treating their clients like family and providing them with highly efficient homes that will be their home for life.
Industry and government working together
The ability for government to meet their environmental targets requires the support of private industry and this is one of the key advantages of Built Green Canada’s programs: the organization is industry-driven offering third-party certification programs for those interested in a holistic approach to sustainable building that address energy and then go on to include the preservation of natural resources, pollution reduction, ventilation and air quality, and improvements to home durability. This is important to note, as most of the programs out there—and they all have merit—are primarily focused on energy performance.
As government regulations continue to increase, those builders who participate in third-party certification programs become better builders and are ready to meet increased requirements. Built Green’s programs offer four levels of certification which allows room for builders at varying stages to progress and increase the environmental performance of their builds.
Net Zero Homes Complement BUILT GREEN®
Edmonton is home to some very progressive sustainable homebuilders who are producing Net Zero builds that have also achieved BUILT GREEN® Platinum, including De Waal Developments Ltd, Effect Home Builders Ltd, and Landmark Homes.
Net Zero homes are complementary to those certified through Built Green Canada, whose programs include energy efficiency and then goes beyond to include materials and methods, indoor air quality, ventilation, waste management, water conservation, and business practices. Beyond the benefits of energy efficiency, those certified through Built Green offer a healthier, more durable home with a lower environmental impact, plus the ability to choose your green features. Rebates also apply.
Built Green Canada is a national, non-profit, organization, headquartered in Edmonton, that has worked with builders in British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, and Ontario to complete over 30,290 BUILT GREEN® certified homes—including the units in multi-storey projects, the total is over 33,820.